Symantec Privileged Access Management

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  • Symantec PAM - Office Hours on January 23, 2024

    We would like to invite you to the upcoming PAM Office Hours. During this session, we will highlight a few PAM capabilities that customers may not be aware of, including:  Timeline based system health dashboards; Fine-grained, kernel level control of servers.  For example: block a user or process from elevating privileges (sudo) and preventing root from viewing a file

    The team is requesting feedback on upcoming capabilities:  RDP Sessions without a PAM Client - PAM Gateway for RDP; Live upgrades - upgrading without turning off the cluster.

    We look forward to speaking with you.

    Best, PAM Product Team

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  • Hi Higor, Thank you for posting in our PAM community. I know you mentioned that the language is EN-US and the pipe character doesn't work. We need to understand the language on the machine running the PAM Client and the keyboard language chosen for the ...

  • Hi Robert, I am already convincing customer to get it upgraded to latest version but do not have firm answer about services functionality mentioned in latest release. This is strange that we do not have any provision to monitor services either by self ...

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  • Hi Everyone, Anyone came across A2A password retrieval failures during the clock change for daylight savings? One of our applications that does not use cache received 401 continuously for 50-60 minutes after the clock change and resolved automatically ...